3 books on AI for Travel Industry and Tourism [PDF]

Updated: February 24, 2024

Books on AI for the travel industry and tourism sector are invaluable resources for startups dedicated to developing AI solutions tailored for this field. These texts offer comprehensive insights into how artificial intelligence can transform travel booking, itinerary planning, personalization, and customer service, providing startups with a deep understanding of the opportunities and challenges within the travel and tourism industry.

1. Tourism and Artificial Intelligence
2022 by Salih SARIKAMIS

The notion of AI-powered tourism is still relatively nascent, yet its rapid ascent has piqued the curiosity of many eager to delve into the latest advancements in AI. Consequently, the debut book on AI-driven tourism has generated considerable anticipation and interest. This groundbreaking volume offers a distinctive perspective on travel, as its content is entirely generated by an AI. Employing advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, this AI has meticulously crafted a comprehensive guide to some of the most captivating and cutting-edge destinations for AI aficionados. The book invites readers to explore AI research labs, interact with state-of-the-art robots, and acquaint themselves with the latest AI-driven products and services. What sets this book apart is its exceptional presentation. Rather than presenting dry facts and figures, the AI has harnessed its advanced linguistic abilities to provide engaging and informative descriptions of each destination. This ensures that the book serves as an invaluable resource for those keen to delve into the realm of AI tourism, offering a detailed and captivating glimpse into the most exciting AI-related destinations. Beyond merely offering destination insights, the book extends its utility by providing practical guidance for planning an AI-centric journey. From securing the best travel deals to navigating unfamiliar cities and technologies, the AI has meticulously covered every facet to streamline the planning process. All in all, the inaugural AI-authored tourism book stands as a pioneering resource for individuals intrigued by the dynamic world of AI. Whether one is an AI enthusiast seeking insights into the latest technologies or a curious traveler contemplating the future of exploration, this book promises a wealth of information and inspiration.
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2. Applied Artificial Intelligence in Business: Concepts and Cases
2022 by Leong Chan, Liliya Hogaboam, Renzhi Cao

This book provides students with a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) and their practical implementations in the realm of business. It addresses key inquiries, elucidating the core tenets of artificial intelligence and big data, and delves into the specific applications of these technologies within the business domain. Readers can explore real-world case studies and sector-specific overviews, facilitating the acquisition of valuable insights. Each chapter incorporates thought-provoking discussion questions and concise summaries. To further aid educators, supplementary materials will encompass comprehensive answers to these questions and ready-to-use presentation slides.
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3. Handbook of Research on Innovative Management Using AI in Industry 5.0
2021 by Garg, Vikas, Goel, Richa

The pervasive influence of artificial intelligence is undeniable, infiltrating virtually every industry, with its reach extending well beyond current boundaries, including into the realms of law, policy, and beyond conventional expectations. Major technology players like Google, Apple, and Facebook are heavily investing in AI integration, emphasizing the need for comprehensive comprehension of AI's multifaceted applications and immense potential. The Handbook of Research on Innovative Management Using AI in Industry 5.0 delves into the novel and advanced facets of artificial intelligence, elucidating its capacity to enhance economic efficiency on both micro and macro scales. This comprehensive resource explores various AI aspects that impact efficacy and output, covering areas such as consumer behavior, information technology, and personalized banking. It serves as an invaluable reference for researchers, educators, policymakers, industry professionals, businesses, and students alike.
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