6 books on Self-driving Cars [PDF]

Updated: March 21, 2024

Books on self-driving cars are essential for startups engaged in the development of AI solutions for autonomous vehicles. These texts provide a deep dive into the fundamental technologies underpinning self-driving cars, including computer vision, sensor fusion, machine learning, and vehicle control systems. They explore the challenges and intricacies of real-world navigation, safety, regulatory compliance, and human-vehicle interaction.

1. Self Driving Car: Solving Full Self-driving Need Solving Real-world Artificial Intelligence
2022 by Fouad Sabry

A self-driving car, also known as an autonomous vehicle (AV) or robotic car (robo-car), represents a vehicle capable of automated operation with minimal or no human intervention. This book delves into the world of self-driving cars, exploring topics such as vehicular automation, prominent companies like Waymo and Mobileye, historical developments in this technology, the Apple electric car project, robotaxis, Tesla Autopilot, self-driving car liability, and various other aspects that impact the future of autonomous vehicles. It offers valuable insights and validations in this rapidly evolving field.
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2. AI-enabled Technologies for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
2022 by Yi Lu Murphey, Ilya Kolmanovsky, Paul Watta

This book provides an extensive overview of the latest research and advancements in the realm of intelligent vehicle systems, focusing on AI-enabled technologies for automated, autonomous, and connected vehicles. It delves into advanced machine learning methodologies, encompassing deep learning, reinforcement learning, transfer learning, and utilizing big data for learning. Additionally, the book explores control theory applications in mobility and vehicle systems, alongside cutting-edge technologies for environmental perception and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. It also addresses socioeconomic and environmental implications, human factors, and energy-efficiency considerations in automated mobility. With contributions from distinguished researchers and professionals, this book offers a well-rounded blend of theoretical insights and practical knowledge, serving as a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers seeking an up-to-date guide on autonomous driving technologies.
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3. The Tech Behind Self-Driving Cars
2019 by Matt Chandler

This book provides an in-depth exploration of the technology powering self-driving cars, which have transitioned from science fiction to reality. As readers delve into the world of self-driving vehicles, they will uncover the intricate systems at play: sensors detecting obstacles and initiating braking, automated lane correction, and the continuous monitoring and data processing carried out by sophisticated computer systems. The book not only delves into the current technology but also offers insights into the future aspirations of engineers in the field of autonomous vehicles.
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4. Self-Driving Cars: The New Way Forward
2018 by Michael Fallon

Self-driving cars represent a transformative shift in the realm of mass transportation, and this book offers an exploration of their evolution. Delve into the early attempts at self-driving technology, uncover the advantages of driverless cars, examine the controversies that surround this innovative technology, and discover the key innovations enabling self-driving vehicles. This emerging and disruptive technology has deep historical roots, dating back to the work of engineers and futurists over the decades. Michael Fallon, the author, traces the development of the software and hardware for self-driving cars, highlighting significant milestones, notable setbacks, and contributions from both public and private sectors. Additionally, the book sheds light on recent breakthroughs that have paved the way for the mass adoption of self-driving vehicles, along with the ensuing public discourse sparked by these advancements.
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5. How Self-Driving Cars Work
2018 by Ian Chow-Miller

This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of self-driving cars, a technology once deemed a futuristic concept but now on the verge of widespread realization. Within these pages, young readers will gain insights into the inner workings of self-driving vehicles, their safe navigation on the road, and the remarkable journey of their development from conventional automobiles as we traditionally know them.
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6. Driverless: Intelligent Cars and the Road Ahead
2016 by Hod Lipson, Melba Kurman

In "Driverless: Intelligent Cars and the Road Ahead," Hod Lipson and Melba Kurman provide readers with valuable insights into the advantages and drawbacks of driverless cars, along with a clear and engaging explanation of the underlying technology. Recent strides in software and robotics have dismantled longstanding technological barriers, allowing self-driving cars to transcend the realm of science fiction. The emergence of deep learning, a form of artificial intelligence, has endowed cars with rapid and precise visual perception, enabling human drivers to relinquish control. Once intelligent software assumes command, driverless cars have the potential to deliver a safer, more environmentally friendly, and convenient mode of transportation to billions of individuals worldwide. While the technology approaches readiness, the coordination between car manufacturers, policymakers, and consumers may lag behind. The authors compellingly argue for the necessity of collaborative efforts to transform the development of driverless cars into a pivotal moment for our society, akin to the "Apollo moment."
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